vom 23.03. bis 24.03.2025 in Halle A1 Stand D.21
HR Consulting
AkaWiPsy - Academy for Applied Business Psychology e.K.
Every important player in a company is a human being.
As a specialist for economic and organizational psychology, the AkaWiPsy team knows that modern, contemporary leadership is the decisive factor for successful action in a company.
Bülow & Consorten GmbH
Bülow & Consorten are strategy consultants with a lot of experience, mature expertise and a sense for the essentials. In their team, they only meet personalities who have been successful in one of the leading international consulting firms for many years before becoming Consorten. Familiarity with the relevant methods is just as self-evident as the highest quality standards. They master innovative approaches, are rigorous in their analysis and develop concepts that prove their worth in implementation. Tried and tested in day-to-day consulting and industry, they know how to efficiently achieve results in a focused team.
Change Point supports clients in aligning their corporate culture and organization and the consistent implementation of associated change projects. In doing so, they attach great importance not only to the business component but also to the interpersonal dimension.
German Association for Human Resources Management e.V.
The DGFP is the largest specialist organisation for personnel management and personnel management in Germany. Since 1952 she has been actively involved in shaping company personnel policy and management work. With more than 2,500 member companies and over 40,000 members, the DGFP promotes a company-wide, structured exchange of experience and a unique competence network between HR managers. Overall, the range of services for the sustainable professionalisation of personnel management consists of the service areas: Network, qualification and knowledge. HRpuls conducts surveys for the regional office in Hamburg within the framework of network events.
gradar is the most comprehensive job grading system on the planet. Designed to remove the need for expensive consultants, this powerful software-as-a-service solution empowers HR teams to handle job evaluation, competency management, compensation analytics and equal pay reporting entirely in-house and without breaking the bank. The platform can be learned and used in a matter of minutes, allowing you to design and manage a job architecture that improves pay, productivity and performance for your business easily and effectively.
KPMG is also one of the leading auditing and consulting firms in Germany, with around 10,700 employees at 25 locations. Its Consulting and Deal Advisory divisions combine a high level of specialist know-how on business, regulatory and transaction-oriented topics. The cross-divisional specialization brings together the experience of experts worldwide and also contributes to the quality of advice.
SEUBERT HR - Volker Seubert
As a recruitment consultant, Volker Seubert advises clients not only on recruiting new employees by optimizing recruitment and providing concrete support in recruiting, but also on employee retention. His credo: to build and communicate the employer brand from the inside out!
cut-e GmbH
The first address for Online Assessment. Within a few years cut-e has established itself as the most innovative provider of psychometric tools for HR management. Creative test formats, user-friendly reports and serious scientific evaluation characterize the solutions with which cut-e contributes to the success of its clients. Today, cut-e processes the assessment results of 30 million tests and questionnaires every year, providing reliable information for the personnel decisions of a remarkable number of large companies and organizations worldwide.
D-Level GmbH
The first full-service HR consultancy for the digital economy.
Our entire life is becoming increasingly digital and therefore requires adjustments in the strategy, structure, culture and processes of every company. In order to ensure market-driven and future-oriented growth, companies need individual digital strategies. In addition to specific professional competencies, the digital world also requires excellent soft skills of digital leaders; traditional recruiting processes are usually no longer sufficient for this, which is why D-Level offers HR services in addition to the classic headhunting full service. Most of their consultants have worked in the digital economy themselves and know the requirements very well.
Firstbird is Europe's leading digital employee recruiting program with more than 1,000 customers.
The digital employee recruiting program helps companies find new talent through personal referrals while saving time, money and resources.
VONQ is the expert in smart recruitment marketing. We help companies attract more qualified applicants by using marketing methods, technology and data. Our Recruitment Marketing Platform turns passive and active candidates into qualified applicants. You get access to all the media channels in the world and our algorithm selects the most relevant channels per job. With a click of a button your job ad is online. Measure your performance with analytics and get job market insights to steer success - all accessible via HRpuls.
WafM Business Academy
"We take care of people." The area of competence of the WafM Business Academy ranges from potential analyses to systems for personnel management and certified further training of managers and employees. In doing so, they rely on proven procedures. If, however, these are not sufficient for their demands for professionalism or simple application, they go their own way - develop their own procedures or adapt concepts according to the latest standards.