Professional Onboarding is the only chance to
effectively integrate new employees into an existing organization

Company values

Onboarding is not only knowledge transfer, but also the internalization and life of the company values

Systematic induction and social integration are indispensable components of professional onboarding. The employee's commitment begins with the oral confirmation of the new position. Needs and expectations of both sides as well as planned and actually realizable measures must be coordinated and implemented according to individual needs. The onboarding process comprises three phases that run parallel to the employee's learning curve. During the pre-entry phase, the learning curve is marked by ignorance. An initial understanding can be seen during the entry phase. The actual training and thus a significantly increasing learning curve takes place during the integration phase. This phase is often referred to as the "first 100 days on the job". The goal of the onboarding process should be to support the employee in the individual phases.

Massnahmen zur Mitarbeiterbindung von HRpuls

Induction schedule

The cold water throwing method is still in vogue because everyone who drowned in it can't have a say

Optimal personnel selection under the organizational responsibility of the HR department is just as important for the emotional loyalty of the new employee as early contact and preparation of the workplace. On the first working day, time with your supervisor is just as important as time with colleagues. Decisive in the first weeks is the presence of the manager as well as discussions to integrate the employee into the company in the long term. The orientation plan is the central theme. The new employee should actively experience the corporate culture, shaped by the management and lived by the employees. An introductory event not only helps to provide general information, but also to build up a cross-departmental network. In individual cases, even a mentor accompanies the new employee. Regular feedback sessions should be held throughout the entire training period. Thus the probability is high that the new employee feels comfortable, identifies with his tasks and the company and thus makes a valuable contribution to the company's success.

Massnahmen zur Mitarbeiterbindung von HRpuls

Employer Branding

The investment in efficient onboarding is an investment in the sustainable development of employees

The first impression of the company and its culture determines the motivation, commitment and degree of initiative of new employees. An above-average number of employment relationships are already being terminated in the first year. The fluctuation of employees is undisputedly the most expensive for the company. The main reason for the premature departure of new employees is the lack of identification with the new task and the company. In times of an increasing shortage of specialists and managers, it is therefore necessary for companies to distinguish themselves not only in employer branding and personnel marketing, but also and especially in onboarding and thus in the early retention of employees.

Massnahmen zur Mitarbeiterbindung von HRpuls
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Onboarding and employee retentionHRpuls