vom 23.03. bis 24.03.2025 in Halle A1 Stand D.21
Continuous organizational development is
Prerequisite for lasting, entrepreneurial success.
Organisational development is an entrepreneurial core competence
Organizational development is a holistic, planned and sustainable process of development and change. It starts learning processes in companies in which all employees and managers actively participate. The organizational development pursues two goals:
++ increasing the effectiveness of the organization's performance
++ improving the quality of life and work of its employees
Organizational development is not a uniform approach, but a term for many different methods and techniques. The focus is on changing the organizational structure and the necessary learning processes for employees. The starting points for organizational development are therefore the organizational and communication structures as well as the behavior of employees and managers. Overall, organizational development is about structures, people, tasks and technologies.

"Nothing is more constant than change": the 3 classic phases of organizational development
Successful organisational innovations can only be developed and introduced step by step and in the long term. The three-phase model according to Lewin provides a good overview of the implementation of organizational development.
In the 1. phase ("thawing") the employees are informed about upcoming organizational changes. Fears and resistance against change are reduced by the active involvement of employees.
In the 2. phase ("move") new concepts are implemented with certain measures. It builds on the activities of the first phase and thus creates an identification with the employees.
In the 3. phase ("freezing") innovations are stabilized and first experiences are evaluated, which lead to further improvements and adjustments..

save future
Organizational Development 2.0 - how learning organizations secure our future
Changes are shaping our lives today. The globalization of markets and the dynamic developments in the fields of information and communication and production technologies, among others, require companies to be permanently adaptable. A learning organization supports decisively in ensuring sustainable survival and success.
A learning organization is characterized by its employees thinking about their self-concept, their actions and the results they achieve. They develop ideas for changes and implement them in structures, processes and measures. The goal of a learning organization is the establishment of continuous organizational development. The company is thus constantly expanding its ability to shape its own future and adapt to changing conditions.